Thursday, December 31, 2009


Well, I told you in a previous post that I change my mind from one moment to the next (which is why one should pretty much never listen to me) and ooops, I've done it again.

Just yesterday I stated that I would be giving LA three months and then I would be re-evaluating the situation here, but yesterday I did something that has now turned me into a liar. I registered to become a Certified Yoga Instructor. Classes start March 26th and end May 9th. So, needless to say, I'm going to be here for at least another five months. This decision was made rather spontaneously, but it is an idea that I have toyed with off and on over the years and the timing just seemed right, so I just dove in. It's expensive and it's a huge time commitment, but I mean,'s YOGA. It's good for you. All I was going to do was look into the training and sort of see what was up, but then I saw that "early registration" was over today and if I waited to sign up it was going to cost $300 more. Well, that's $300 that I could put towards re-doing the floors in my bedroom, so now I can justify it! Win win.

This past week or so has been a blissful change from the norm. I am usually doom and gloom at all times because I'm single. I complain about it all day long, wonder aloud why it so, and basically spend hours and hours of each day imagining fantasy scenarios just so I can feel as though I'm participating in some way in a loving relationship. Not anymore! I've created so many projects for myself that I'm simply too busy to worry about it, or even think about it really. I'm usually bored without a crush. In fact, I often say "life is boring when you don't have a crush on someone", but I just don't feel that way right now. It's great! I feel like I have a lot of things to be excited about and a lot to look forward to and not one single thing on that list includes a man. Free at last, free at laaaaast!!!

I've now decided that I am going to buy the "Rosetta Stone" for French. If I'm going to go to France in June, I will have plenty of time between Feb and June to get some of the information under my belt. I've always wanted to learn how and now I can. This too is expensive. The expense of things is usually what keeps me from them, but I am going to be coming into just a little bit of money next month and it is going to change my life. It's amazing what a very small amount can do, trust me, it's not very much, but it's that extra little bit that's going to make all of the difference. My last therapist used to always say "I never saw a problem that throwing money at made worse". And ain't it the truth?

So, between the blog, the French, the trip to France, the yoga, the acting and most likey the guitar, I've got plenty to keep me busy and keep my mind off of boys. Which is exactly how I want it.


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