Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I have decided to give LA about three more months. After that time I will re-evaluate whether or not I should move back home. Apparently the "artist" in me isn't ready to throw in the towel. In that vein I will be auditing a new acting class after the first of the year. I'm pretty excited. I've been dying to know what would have happened if I had applied myself ten years ago and actually REALLY given acting a shot. There's no doubt that I would have booked some work. And no telling how much money I could have made or how awesome or even not so awesome some of that work could have been. It's time to find out. Yes, I'm ten years older, but...apparently we are all going to live to be like 120 years old or something, so 35 is really like the new 15. I should be fine.

I'm also very seriously considering getting certified to become a yoga instructor. A girl that I used to work with at the restaurant just did this recently and she was able to find work right away. This is an idea that I toyed with years ago, but I didn't have the money at the time. Now I do. So, yeah, I think I'm gonna go for it. It's nice cause it's still social, it's healthy, and I will still have the freedom to make my own schedule and pursue other things. And yes, I love yoga. Perfect.

Other ideas that I'm toying with:

Guitar lessons-My god it's hard to think about stuff like this. Again, if I'd stuck with the guitar lessons when I was taking them eight or so years ago, who knows how good I would be by now? Jeez.

France in June with my brother-Never been, always wanted to go. As long as we have separate rooms (I had to learn the hard way once) we should be fine.

A new car-Possibly the dumbest idea I will ever admit to having here in this blog. A new car is the WORST idea! Doesn't stop me from wanting one though...hehehe

Finishing the floors in my apartment-Again, what the hell am I thinking? Putting money into a rental? Am I mental? Well, but I have to live here...and carpet is stank nasty.

Finally buying a kitchen table-This would be the civilized thing to do. I haven't had one in in almost seven years. I eat in front of the tube or at my desk. I think it's time. IKEA probably misses me anyway.

Man, well, I feel like a bit of a failure this morning. I wish I had better tidbits to share. I guess I'm just preoccupied because I know I have some errands to run and yesterday I got stuck waiting that the Smog Check place for an hour and half, but the guy still couldn't see me and I had to go to work, so now I have to go back today and I don't want to get stuck waiting another hour and a half today. Although, it's raining, so I doubt there'll be much of a wait today.

This was my Facebook status after coming home from the Smog Check place yesteray:

*Smog check guy: "Come back in one hour". Me: "Okay" (one hour later)...Smog check guy: "Can you wait about 30 minutes?" Me: "Okay" (30 minutes later as some other (new) guy pulls in to where you get your smog checked)...Smog check guy: "Can you wait another 10 minutes?" Me: (crickets chirping as I drive away). ~Thanks smog check guy, looking forward to hoping it's my turn at some point tomorrow. A@#$hole.*

Anyhoo, I guess some posts just won't be as substantial as others and I'm just going to have to live with that.

Until next time.

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